Through a common love for training and some shared coffees the Brussels Movement Practice was born. Initiated by
Lewis Cooke and myself we had the the idea to open up our personal training to a wider community. The regular practice explores an ongoing research and journey into various systems and frameworks of practice. The idea was to build an intimate group who share and cross reference perspectives and thoughts around what a movement practice contains and how it continually evolves as a collective.
The work travels through various themes throughout the year and leverages the different environments, obstacles and textures which can be found within a city.
Through this framework we aim to push towards a higher quality of sustained collaborative practice.
How it works:
To join the practice is really simple..
Send us an email
We’ll invite you to our group chat
That’s where you’ll receive a monthly schedule
You can then confirm your attendance for each class
Classes generally run two times per week with variable days
The price for each class is currently set at €15 with options to purchase multi ticket bundles.
Who is it for?
It’s a practice for everyone, no matter what your level, age and background, you are welcome to participate. We do however look for committed people to join the process, no matter how frequently you decide to join.
All classes are within Brussels, Belgium.
The sessions run at different locations spread out over the city and the exact locations are announced in our group chat.
To join the Brussels Movement Practice:
send an email with your request and name to:
For more insight:
follow us on Instagram: @brusselsmovementpractice
follow us on Facebook: Brussels Movement Practice